© Summit Driving.co.uk 2014 Home LGV Class 1 Class 2 HGV Relief Driver Artic Rigid  Relief Part time temporary Driver

Summit Driving

07944 940497

My Mission Statement: Pioneering amazing service

Put simply: ‘you and your customers come first’

Why companies choose to use me

Why you should use Summit Driving!

Professional: No doubt you expect high standards from your own drivers. I’ve always maintained a professional approach to whatever work I’ve undertaken, especially with regard to Legislation and Eco-driving.

Polite: Nowadays courtesy seems to be found in ever decreasing quantities. I always strive to treat people as I would like to be treated myself.

Pro-active: I always try to go that extra mile, trying to add that little bit extra, which ensures that your customers remember your company.

Save on Agency Fees: You get all of the above and I save you money.

Always smartly dressed and smiling!

Experienced in driving aboard.

Je parle un peu de francais.

Solo hablo un poquito en espanol.


Happy to travel throughout the UK and work away nights.

Will Work Throughout the UK

Full CE without any endorsements. In fact endorsement free for over 30 years!

